Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Butt Fetish...and other Touching Delights

I'm 80 percent sure I have a butt fetish. I must say that I admire butts quite a bit. Well, except people who get tushie injections. That's I'm sorry if I "accidentally" graze anyone's butts. But not in Nic's case, I grab it on purpose. Mmmm. I'd tap that.....with a jackhammer....just kidding. Anyways..Here's a random and TOUCHING..(I hope) post. So I'll get the TOUCHING part done (literally and figuratively).

I simply CANNOT believe that this year has gone by oh so fast. I can clearly remember the first day of school and I can pretty much remember every single little detail about all the tournaments. There were downhill times this year that weren't too fantastic but overall, this is one of the best and most interesting years I've had by far. At first I thought this year would kind of suck since I didn't have Lizzi but we're still in touch and are life partners and I grew close with other people. I had some help from one sympathetic soul (hoho) and got hewhomustnotbenamed aka Hahilsay off my back. That sympathetic soul finally became my magnificent boyfriend and has stuck with me through shittastic and jizzworthy times. It kind of breaks my heart to say that this is the end of the year. Some of the people who I am used to seeing and having contact with won't be here and there's a huge chance I may never see them again. Well, this is the cycle and there's nothing we can do about it (except a few classes just for me ;P) SIGHH I can't berieve that this is going to happen every year. I just want to warn all the seniors that are graduating that I'm going to stain their gowns with my tears until the dye fades out and the gown turns into a blucky grey color. Just sayin'. Or I'll cry at the WRONG time (UGH I always do that!) I usually save the tears and emotional outburst for a rainy day (aka a few hours after that emotional event has occured) such as Senior night for marching band...I cried my face off as soon as I got home. Sigh. Twitch. I'm such a loser. Oh and also Arcadia, where I cried when I got home. That...was...depressing. Ohh my GOD this picture is so sad and cute. I looked like that when I used to cry, now I just look like a sniffling whale. Attractive.

So yesterday was the kickoff night. Holy jizz we have a lot of people. I remember saying I hated most of the kids one year younger than me....I wonder if the people in band last year said that too? Maybe I'm going to be hanging out with a lot of freshmen this year. Who knows! I hope these incoming freshmen are as cool (coughhackgag) as we were. I'm not sure if we all fit in the 'cool' category. More like grimy little nubs. Especially Lucas. Rusty is such a beast. I think I will become his super saiyan master and our section will be awesome. This also calls for huge low reed parties since we have.....345973469823459845 tenors. But........whinegroanhuffpuff we won't have 2 of the sekasee faces we're used to seeing. I also personally think we suck but hey it's the first time we've played the stuff, so hopefully we'll get better. I wonder if that's what the people thought last year as well. Mmmm lookit that clarinet.

I guess my resolution to solve my depression that erryone's leaving my face is to go into crazy pedo lurker mode, aka barrages of emails, cheesy ecards that involve dancing strudel, and 4 hour phone calls. Oh and I'll also use up the extra mileage we have and fly to an assortment of dorms all over Amurrica and bring y'all puffy stickers, apple beer, and cashews. Oh and I'm probably going to install little cameras and microchips on everyone so I can shock them when they visit naughty places like strip clubs and adult stores to buy anal beads and fluffy dildos. But then again, who needs that when you have a sax cleaner? Seriously. People better visit, though I doubt that's a promise no one keeps, 'cause I promised Mr. P and whatnot that I'd visit Mesa Verde, but I haven't gone there since......November. Sad. But then again it's different because high school band is infinity times 92 times better than middle school band. Middle school band was filled with loud and suckish people and annoying cheerleaders that joined it cause they thought it was an easy class. Or so they say.

Okay, well I didn't really touch up (oh baby) on the random part but I'm sure I'll get to that sometimes soon......In bed.

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