Saturday, May 28, 2011

Erastic Fantastic

So since erryone has randomly had the love of kpop implanted into their souls currently, I would like to do a little rant n' rave (oh yes, what a cheesecakey name) about k pop in general. K bad. Really, really, terrible. But for some reason, the catchy one syllable choruses and bad Engrish is captivating and fuses some kind of thing in the mind which forces the brain to love it. COUGH me. And for the people who legitimately think it's actually good.......kind of have problems. But I think that's only 2% of us all.
Kpop is really fun and awesome and irritating and makes more sense than J pop, but what irks me about it is all the plastic surgery and segregation and lack of talent.
'Cause honestly, if our darling Rebeckerz Black was signed into K pop, everyone would magically love her. And the plastic frustrates me how people wish they looked like some particular idol in the industry and how they want to obtain their sexiness, handsomeness, etc. when they themselves most likely looked better than the idol before the idol got plastic surgery. I mean, if I got plastic surgery, I'd be INSANELY hot. And I'm not even hot at all. 75% of all them kpop stars were kind of butterfaces back in the day. No offense. Since not too many of k pop artists can sing in real life, it kind of promotes that a) if you're hot and can dance decently, you can make big bucks! or b) sign this long ass contract and sell your soul to us after we make you a star we'll take care of your shitty singing and ugliness!
And segregation....I don't even know. I guess having a group of sexy ladies or fruity but hot men add more to the fanbase and make the entertainment company richer.
K pop is good cause bands (girl ones in general) can pull off slutty looks and don't look slutty at all. I don't even know if that counts as a good thing. But the keep the mens making white wee. They also have some kind of thing behind their music that white people simply can't do. And since it's in a different language, people don't know what it means so even if the song is about humping ladies and getting wasted, people think it's bowl cuttedly cute and innocent.

So I guess this is my take on K pop. It's good........just not all the time. Cause then you'll be completely brainwashed, and it might be worse than listening to mainstream stuff in America. Hopefully I don't sound like a hypocrite cause erryday I'm like OH YES I'MMA PELVIC THRUST TO KPOP but hey, I haven't discovered any oldies music and I'm really bored and need to pelvic thrust my worries away. Un tsss un tss un tss. I think this little R&R ( oh yeah I called it that) has made my love of Kpop grow. Time to review more k pop. And listen to it.
...someone please introduce me to better white person music. Please. Before I have a kpop jizz attack.
Okay bye. Have y'all noticed my posts have gotten lamer with time? I know :(

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