Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Posessed (NSYNC Breaks Into My Room)

Clearly my jetlag ain't over. Yesterday around 2 PM (oh baby, the hottest time of the day) I felt super tired so I went to bed. I was sleeping on my side and I'm sure that my hand was pushed back against my will. It was sort of a dream but I felt like someone was bringing my hand back from the side of my pillow to my waist. I felt like I was struggling but I guess not....jetlag does some pretty crazy things to people. Also, NSYNC broke into my room and started possessing AND serenading me with No Strings Attached. It was interesting, and Chris Kirkpatrick looked creepier than ever. I'm also pretty sure they tied me up. Hot, sexy bondage dreams involving boy bands. Well, at least it wasn't the Backstreet Boys or LMF or whatever group that sang the really stupid song "Summer Girls". I just searched up LMF to make sure I was right, and boy was I wrong....LMF is a Canto pop group that stands for Lazy Motha Fucka. HAHA.
This is a group that I need to be in. I would tap dat PHAT ass. Sigh I love the names War, Phat and Prodip. IM PRODIP. Lolololololo.
Okay, the right name of the group that sang the lame song is LFO. Yow. Look at that delicious anus face. Just kidding. I love you CK. You made NSYNC....NSYNC.

I kept on waking up from weird 5 minute dreams.....I just watched the movie Rite, about a demon/the devil getting into this priest (yum) and then possessing this chick and whatnot so it was really freaky, because I felt like something invisible was pulling my arm back. Once it was to my hip, and the second time I felt like my hand was being pulled to my crotch...I dunno. It was insanely strange.Awwww yeah. Me in bed. Just...less glamorous.
So I was going to post this yesterday. Today I took another nap because I'm a lazy ass and I was getting tired of watching stupidly hilarious Madtv skits. I dreamt about silverfish. Y'know, those weird disgusting little mini scorpion bugs with little antennae that you find in old dusty shelves? Shudder.....They were everywhere. I'm pretty sure I woke up screaming. Those little creatures drive me insane and every time I see them I want to stab myself with carrots. This isn't very inneresting but I think I have mind problems. Wait. Don't respond to that statement.

Musical life partners...who's yours? I guess mine would be a combination of Lizzi and Courtney Sailors and maybe a little bit of Ceciley. Courtney Sailors is courtneypants on youtube and she is a unicorn loving dicktastic person. I can mostly relate with Lizzi because we listen to everything....we don't really have limits of what we listen to.......I listen to weird post-art-whatever rock, 90's grunge, musical selections, and K pop. And a little bit of jpop. And Brit Brit Spears as my guilty pleasure. But that's not the end of all the genres I listen to. The only thing I can't really stand is country. Kill me please. And I like Courtney's art rock and weird indie hipster music that I sort of have and appreciate and her strange electronic incorporated into alternative stuff. And as for Ceciley.....she also listens to a lot of genres....It's like taking Lizzi (minus the really bubblegummy pop and mashing it up with my music taste......minusing my share of the cheesy pop as well.) And mixing some Icelandic foreign stuff in it.
So since I really haven't discovered any amazing bands and 4shared is a stupid piece of crap (just kidding. I love 4shared.......most of the time.) I have been watching Ceciley's mixtape videos on youtube.......she separates them into categories, like road trip music, love makin' jams (just kidding.....well, sort of), and beachy music and whatnot. Lots of musical inspiration......and new songs on my ipod. Courtney has a show too and a lot of the songs that she does are the ones I listen to or have listened to....but thank you for introducing MAP OF TASMANIA, the best song ever about merkins and censorship laws. Thank you.

Here's some songs that I've discovered...Since I'm too unattractive to make videos on youtube, I shall recommend 5 songs that I've found through these lovely women/ or have found by myself. But mostly them.....like I said, my brain is rather obese. And not in a good way. I'm pretty sure it's coated in cellulite and can't think and is thinking about medium rare steaks dipped in mayonnaise...Yeah!
1. Hawaiian Air-Friendly Fires (A song about being in airplanes. The music video is awesome......sitting between making out couples, a kid pulling on your hair, sitting next to a morbidly obese dude eating salad..)
2. Helena Beat-Foster the People (A song....with a guy singing in a high pitched voice? And the music video resembles a toddler apocalypse.)
3. Que Veux Tu-Madeon Remix - Yelle (The remix is better...to me. And the song makes you want to go through an LSD adventure through a daisy field and dance inappropriately. Think of me humping Tom Daley on the TV screen. Oh yes.)
4. Goodbye Happiness-Utada Hikaru (Heard this on MTV China. Probably the first Jpop I've liked. I'm not surprised.....Utada Hikaru is the acclaimed queen of Jpop. And it's not stupidy catchy kpop...)
5. Tears Dry On Their Own-Amy Winehouse (Everyone is going crazy 'cause of her death, I know. It's just like the Michael Jackson death. I swear, every year there's going to be an insanely talented musician dying young. Ever since her death, her album has been skyrocketing....I've had this song for a long time. It's rather good, and I can easily say that I like her more than Adele. I love Adele.....but most of the songs on 21 sound the same........ I remember the chorus that makes one song differ from the other but I can't remember anything else. Something about Amy's contralto voice and her songs just stand out more. Plus her erratic behaviour added a lot to that factor XD)

Well, this wasn't a particular funny or interesting blog post but this is what everyone (my 1 and 1/3 viewers) get.......because my brain is fat and can't think of witty jokes. Well....I have a poop joke.....more like a poop connection story. So here it goes!

Wet Poop

The kind where you wipe your butt fifty times and it still feels un-wiped, so you have to put some toilet paper between your butt and your underwear so you don't ruin them with a stain.

Don't you get this feeling all the time?

Yes, I got this from an app called POOP JOKES! Real original.

It's OVER!

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