Saturday, March 5, 2011

She Is the One Named Shairor Moooooon

Kids, the universal Asian girl show back in the day was in fact NOT Ni Hao Kai Lan. It is actually a tie between the super cheesy Chinese princess drama Huan Zhu Ge Ge and Sailor Moon. Except Huan Zhu Ge Ge was Chinese so I guess Sailor Moon was technically the life of all Asian girls back then, blowing Hello Kitty out of the water. Sailor Moon was pretty much pre pubescent but EXTREMELY well endowed girls who fought crime in short skirts and stilettos and were all named after planets. And like the yoosh, they were "normal children" by day and smexy, slutty crime fighting lassies by night. Oh yeah.

So let me educate the whole world on them, even though you could read wikipedia. And I'm not going to do the whole freaking cast. I'm just writing about them (all the sailor scouty womenish things). And maybe the irritating man as well. My interpretations are AMAZING though.
First off was Sailor Moon in her red while and blue ensemble. Her hair reminds me of linguine and apples and she was an annoying crybaby with crazy seduction powers. I found her insanely annoying and stupid but I respected her at the same time, which is kind of strange. Throughout the story, she gains many annoying titles and gets many makeovers.

Second was Sailor Venus, the orange one. I found her annoying, ditzy, boring and blond as well. I'm pretty sure she was probably jealous of Sailor Moon and her smexy rendezvous-s with her bohfraind and probably was his ho. She was a little smarter than Sailor Moon, but was sort of needy because every episode she was like "Mmmmm hey boys!!! *flutter eyelashes*" "I think I just dropped a pencil, aheehee! *bends down*" Just kidding about the second part......I think, but I wouldn't be surprised if that happened.

Third was Sailor Jupiter, the green one. I didn't remember much of her but I remembered she was quite badass with green baubles in her hair and liked beating people up and had lumberjack muscles. But she was all mushy too, like offering people rice balls and wanted to own some flower/cake shop? I dunno but she was one of my favorites. AND WHO DOESN'T LIKE HER COMBAT BOOT HIGH HEELS?!

Then there was Sailor Mars, the red one. She was another one of my favorites. Okay, the unblond ones were mostly my favorites, sort of. She was a feisty priestess in training who at first was like "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sailor moon! I shall take your place as the leader! BWAHAHAHA!" Unfortunately that did not go down well and sadly she wasn't the leader. Aww. Who wouldn't have picked such a classy young lady to be the leader/princess of whatever?

Fourth was Sailor Mercury, the blue one. She was a bland tomboy who read a bunch of books and had a high IQ and had a blue lesbo haircut. Weirdly, she had no lesbo affairs with anyone throughout the series to my knowledge. She also went to the dark side for a little bit, and yes, the quiet ones usually go bad.

Ah yes! I must not forget the amaaaazing lesbo couple!! Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, sighhh. I used to hate them and not understand why they were always together and embracing and whatnot but now I know. They're lesbians. Which makes them off the bat two of the amazingest characters in Sailor Moon. Sailor Uranus was the man in the relationship with her blond crew cut....but not really and Sailor Neptune had lovely flowing locks of teal hair. Sailor Neptune was a classy painter and artist and general and Uranus is a hardcore race car driver who enjoys flirting with women. In real life, she dresses like a classier Ellen Degeneres. People have often asked if Uranus was a hermaphrodite, but according to the creator, she is not. Darn.

Then there was Sailor Pluto, who was also insanely badass, sultry, and mysterious. She had dark green hair and a sultry black and white latex schoolgirl dress and made my panties get tied in a knot. She also had really cool powers. Like dead scream. How cutting edge.

After that there was Sailor Saturn. She wore dark dark blue and had a large scary stick. That's all I remembered. But she was my all time favorite. Yet I know the least about her. She also has fancy footwear.

Then there was the deucey tuxedo mask. He quite the womanizer and probably hit on all of the ladies except the lesbians because they're too good for him. He annoyed me and his constant mushiness with Sailor Moon was irritating. I would always be like "derrrr didn't he admit his love for her LAST episode *rips hair out*"

Then there was the extremely annoying Sailor Chibi Moon. Aka Sailor Mini Moon. She was preppy, dressed in all pink, and I wanted to punch her. She had weird powers like pink fluffy ponies or something or frozen puppy rainbows, etc. and would cry a lot.

Last would be sailor CHIBI CHIBI moon. Aka mini me of Chibi Moon. She was 2 or something and was a reddish pink ginger. Yay!

Then, there are a bunch of antagonists but who cares about them?! Plus, my fingers are dying. AND.......HERE IS THE SAILOR MOON THEME SONG, WOO!

I might've just orgasmed from nostalgia overload. Also, my friend and I really were obsessed about sailor moon. We tried drawing her, we made those v things that all of them wore on their foreheads with construction paper, we had cards and posters, and memorabilia. Good times.

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