I'm so addicted to the website Free Rice. I don't even know why. I remember we used to play it because we were bored in 6th grade and Mrs. Cochran didn't feel like teaching. Now I spend at least an hour on it every day donating rice to children and becoming a smartass. Oh yeah. Do it! It's educational, funtertaining, and helps starving people! I felt so smart and was like "I'M POWNING ERRYONE!" until I realized I was on level one and there were 60 levels. I question if I'm actually Asian when these incidents happen on a daily basis.
Since the concept of hair has been brought it quite a few times this week due to a) Nic getting a sultry hair cut b) Rachel Trumbore making a 500 People Join and My Sister Lizzi MIGHT Get An Afro! I searched up "interesting haircuts". The results I got really concerned me and kind of made me wet my panties. I don't even know how to describe them. Well, the ones that made me puke with laughter the most (that sounds messy...) were....the face shaved into the back of the guy's head....and all the poodle haircuts to make them look like peacocks, bison, lions.......HAHA I felt so bad for those Sierra tastic poodles. They looked so sad. Oh and I can't leave out the hunky centaur man with the prominent Widow's peak and hearts shaved into his chest hair. *shudderOmar* Jizzy jizz jizz.

Last Friday when I was on a Japanese confection raid for Timmy's birthday, I stumbled over such a magnificent creation. Cheese flavored Kit Kats. Whatthefuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Ew, imagine eating this gross cheesy stuff that has this chocolate consistency to it......ewwwww. It's like a dehydrated (sort of) version of those crackers you dip in cheese but this time it's sealed with gross cheese stuff and is between wafers! Yum, you kinky Japanese! Sigh, oh Japanese people, with their tenticle pornos and delicious cuisine. Someday, I wish to try this. But not really. Cheese is aged cow boob juice. Ew.
Another animal I obsess over is the Llama. And Alpaca. And Vicuna. All of those delicious, spitting, llama-ish mammals. Though the llama is freaking awesome and nifty, they should be considered phallic symbols. Look at the pictures below and you shall see. Llamas also remind of of Lucas Hoshino while he rocks out with his bassoon. This llama in particular reminds me of him when he makes his sex face. If you don't know what his sex face is, you should probably consult me.
Last but not least, I have a question to the whole world and the limited viewers of my blog...What AM I going to do in China? Is YouTube really banned. Because if so.....I WON'T BE ABLE TO LISTEN TO MY DAILY DOSE OF K POP! *hyperventilates* I guess I'll find something to do besides that... Like knit a sweater. Or do pushups. And I can't even listen to a LITTLE bit of K pop since my Ipod broke after 4 hardy years. I'm not entirely sure if I'm getting a new one so it's MP3 player time. Wait, I don't even think we have one of those. o.o
Bye! I'm verbally constipated.
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